GER | 2016 | Documentary | 72 min.
Language Ger Production Countries GER, NL
Director Susanne Bohlmann Producer Christopher Hawkins
Camera Lars Filthaut, Anna Baranowski & Susanne Bohlmann

"Touching long-term documentary about a married couple in Lower Saxony, who for decades dream of building their own ship and circumnavigating the globe and almost putting this dream into action." Lucky "- that's not just Sabine, 63, a nurse , and Michael, 66, doctor, have been in misfortune when they lost their homes in a fire in 2004 and barely escaped fire.The pursuit of happiness is also what drove the two for over 20 years, theirs personal dream come true: The self-made 12-meter yacht "To.Pas" finally has its launch! With over 60, life is not over - but now is the time to sail around the world. But do Sabine and Michael still have the strength? In impressively intimate interviews and numerous private film and photo documents, director and screenwriter Susanne Bohlmann tells a touching love story and the lifelong quest for freedom and freedom."
Jury / Filmfest Emden-Norderney
"The documentary shows the story from a very personal point of view. Thus, the film allows deep insights into the background of the boat building project. Because of this closeness you can not help but cheer for the launching of To.Pas. Things really get exciting when the water is seeping in at the shaft seal on the maiden voyage, where the camera is always close at hand. But are the two also on a big trip with their To.Pas? But also because of this question, the film is highly recommended to anyone planning such a project. You can learn a lot from the friendly family: stamina on the one hand, but also the realization that in such a boat building the way (also) should be the goal."
"Klabauterkiste" / online magazine for sailors

Synopsis 60's Generation ‒ Michael, a mechanical wizard and Sabine, his very supportive wife ‒ want to build a boat to travel around the world. 20 years later, the kids have left home and they are past their vital prime. Somehow they kept the drive to complete the boat, through moments of doubt and crises of faith. Michael has finally built the whole boat from scratch. It's ready to leave its home in the back yard, behind the pine trees. The boat may be ready but are Michael and Sabine?

At night on a highway in Lower Saxony . A heavy goods vehicle drives through the night. We still do not see what is onboard. The day starts . It seems to be a special day. Calls are being made and everyone is frantically running to and fro. There is a nervous excitment in the bustling air. We are in the countryside. Next to a bungalow in the countryside sits a large hole in the garden floor. It is as if something huge once stood there.
We now see a brief history of our two protagonists: old photos and excerpts from Super8 films accompany the narrative.
The 66- year-old Michael tells how he met his wife Sabine when they both worked at the hospital. He was a docto, she was a nurse. Sabine (63 ) tells the romantic story from her point of view. They talk about their beginnings, the old farmhouse and the many ideas that they had when they were younger. Finally we hear about her holiday in Sapain that inspired the idea to build a ship. Gradually , the launching of „ To.Pas „ - the 12-meter sailing vessel begins to unfold.
Through interviews with family, friends and acquaintances we here of the travails over the 20 years . Friends and family doubted they could do it, some doubted whether they should do it!
The morning is cold and grey. It‘s finally time for the retirees to test their ship against the water. Many have travelling to be part of this event here, including the lcal press. A highly emotional moment - the happy end to a long journey. Michael is moved to tears. He takes his wife in his arms and whispers in her ear „Thank you for your patience.“
Sabine , Michael , grandson Marc and Jack Russel Mukuh, enter the boat and embark on a long journey.
The maiden voyage of the „ To.pas „ is not plain sailing! Fate is rarely a docile servant to a happy ending.Water is drawn up though the propeller as the ship makes her way up the canal to the ocean and to pick up the sail... there are still some hurdles to overcome.

Director´s Note This is a very personal story about my family. When I got my first camera for Christmas in 1992 I shot everything around me. Of course, the incredible project of my parents to build their own boat and go on a world tour influenced my life significantly. Over the years the boat more and more became a symbol - a dream – a motor to go on. Fate interrupted their work many times. But they stood up again and again, made courageous decisions and stayed true. The journey of my parents gives insight into a love that began in the 70s and despite all the setbacks and obstacles it didn´t lose any of its strength and beauty... "